
Twitters @science_SRH

Social media is a tool. And I use this tool to keep with with all the latest/greatest science and scientists in our field. Often, PIs will share their publications first on Twitter, so its one of my go-to-sources for information. Its also a great place to talk to all humans on our planet about what is going on in life and the lab.

The more you know, the more you know!

American Cancer Society Podcast TheoryLab Interview

I was super excited to be interviewed on the American Cancer Society (ACS) TheoryLab podcasts by Dr. Susanna Greer with other funded faculty at The Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh, PA. Two years of my postdoc were funded from local ACS group “team naturals” that raised funds for cancer research! Their hard work helped to fund my work focused on the role of two important genes, SWSAP1 and SWS1 which are mutated in breast, uterine/endometrial, and prostate cancers.

This interview also talked about Kathy Shair’s work on EBV and Dr. Yuri Bunimovich’s work on immune cells and melanoma.

Here are their twitter handles:

@ShairKathy, @UPMC, @susannagreer

Link to interview:

ACS Theory Lab Podcast